About Us


SEERAM- Environmental Sustainability Research Foundation founded in the year 1995 is a Not for Profit – Non Governmental Organization. (NGO) SEERAM has expertise in Environmental Sustainability Education, Research, and Awareness. Water conservation & sanitation, Clean Energy, Climate Change, are the focused areas which are integrated with other SDGs practicing project. Our ultimate focus remains on the “Environmental Sustainability Practices” by way of reducing emissions, preventing pollution and waste, and optimizing the energy use.

SEERAM also aims towards creating Social Entrepreneurs, who would collaborate with the change makers, stewarding the model which addresses the existence and flourishment of a society tending to evolve rapidly. This basically highlights the foresight of the organization and also does specify its key objective of coming into existence in the very beginning, and this is exactly what makes us stand with commitment in the globe, for making this planet Earth habitable, sustainable and livable place.


In continuation to our strong emphasis on sustainable development activities that broadly encompasses – Industrial Sustainability Training program for all level. Total Water Quality Management of Industries as well as residential complexes, Environmental Clearance, Environmental Audit & EMP, Design of conventional & advanced Water & Waste Water Treatment Plant, Design of Swimming Pool & water bodies, Rain Water Harvesting, Design inputs for Green Building, performing Treat-ability studies, Deep Tank Aeration System, Zero Energy Natural Treatment Process, Environmental Audit & Survey, and Water Audits & Footprints.

What makes us different?

  • Strong organizational culture that represents team bonding, focus on achieving results, a place to learn and grow, and walking this journey with a virtue called resilience.
  • Ethical Environmental Sustainability
  • Curriculum that empowers youth with required knowledge, skills and ability to perform the relevant tasks
  • Customized training program as per requirement of various sector
  • Strong expertise involvement in measuring Impact and design Impact strategies  


SEERAM works towards creating social entrepreneurs who will facilitate and collaborate with the change makers who are the stewards of a model that addresses the fluidity of a rapidly evolving society.

Goals to achieve in line of sight

  • To start Water Management, Development& Training Institute. Water development group in each village.
  • To start online/classroom programs for environment education.
  • To develop water, soil & air testing lab.
  • Develop documentaries on burning issues on environment.
  • One documentary ongoing Walduni river (in progress).
  • Establish e-learning center for farmers on climate change.
  • Develop economical model for eradication of all type of pollution with the help of science & Technology Dept.
  • Environment Expo-to bring together scientist, Technocrats, Industry, Government to address the major environmental issues.
  • Lake & river Restoration study project (work is in progress Indrayani& Ram River).
  • Large Industry & regional sustainability study project.
  • Socio-ecological research study project of Bhīma & Krishna Basin.


  • To ensure sustainable practices in all 17 SDG 
  • To Create awareness and deliver education in sustainability for conservation of all Natural resources
  • To promote the concept of environment stewardship in the community.
  • To create environmental Green job opportunities through capacity building.
  • To promote indigenous technology for sustainable development.


To work with all the various stakeholders and policy makers to help in evolving a long term strategy whereby the threads of the need for development, sustainability, conservation and social welfare are intertwined into a beautiful mosaic pattern, with world stepping towards a green and prosperous economy.


To further the realization that Environmental consciousness deals with the well-being of all people. To create an awareness that the sustainable use of natural resources is intended to produce a better quality of life for human kind. 


  • To ensure the sustainable utilization of our country’s natural resources with a concern and sensitivity for the resource dependency of the most economically deprived.
  • To preserve and protect the biological diversity of the country as a major long term economic asset for our future citizens.
  • To ensure that environment education and conservation awareness reaches every individual in the community, and is delivered as target specific packages that can be easily understood and acted upon.
  • To create an ethic for the conservation of the biological diversity.
  • To further a consciousness for the preservation of our cultural diversity.
  • To enrich Green Employment in rural area.

Profile SEERAM:



1. Impact Assessment of ITC’s Watershed Development Programs implemented In partnership with NABARD in select districts of

Andhra Pradesh November – 2015.

2. Preliminary Socio-Economic Health Assessment and Technology “SEHAT” Study of the Ram River – (Capgemini) September -2015

3. Post project Evaluation Study of Ujjani Major Irrigation Project August – 2015.

4. Present Study of Waster disposal measures and recycling at Urulikanchan area, Pune, July-2015.

5. KATRAJ Lake Assessment Study, Pune, July – 2015.

6. Third Party Assessment / Study of the various activities for Water Conservation undertaken by

Government of Maharashtra in Latur District – May 2015

7. Large Industries and Regional Sustainability (LIRS) – Ambuja Cement, May – 2015

8. Affordable Housing and Regional Sustainability (AHRS) Raysoni Group Sangli, April – 2015.

9. Regional survey & study of environmental & public health Impact Analysis of villages in & around Kagal MIDC Kolhapur. Report useful for MIDC &

for Government to formulate long strategic growth plan & policies for sustainable economy. – October – 2014.

10. Study report on water scarcity challenges and current Scenario in city, Akola, Dhule rural, Tumsar, Tuljapur October – 2014.

11. Regional survey & study of Environmental Health Impact Analysis of villages under Kagal MIDC, Kolhapur. – September 2014.

12. Socio-Economic Impacts of Interim ban on Mining in MEWAT District Haryana. Sept – 2014. Study conducted in twelve mining villages

                  Parameters considered: –

 Pollution levels.

 Health.

 Loss of livelihood.

 Possibilities of other means of livelihood.

13. Identification of open drain in Pune city for Eco-Treatment Zone as recommended by Planning commission in 12th year plan April-2014

14. Sustainable Livelihood Model for Drought Prone Rain Fed Farmers in Sangola Tehsil Dist. Solapur. April – 2014.

15. Streamlining of Mining Sector on the Foundation of Environmental Responsibility Case Study of Mewat District, Haryana February – 2014.

16. Traffic Impact Assessment Report with reference to Smart City, Village Bhavdi, Pune, February- 2014.

17. Eco environmental pollution study of Ujjani Reservoir – January – 2014.

18. Study for Restoration and Preservation of River Water Quality in the Upper Bhima Basin. January – 2014.

19. Socio economic analysis to evolve governance policy for ecological restoration of polluted water bodies. (With reference to states of polluted

river in Ludiana city, India.)

20. 20 villages on both banks of the Buddha Nalla in the district of Ludhiana were selected for the study. Survey- 14th September to 13 October 2013.

                    The following Parameters were studied:

a. Ground water

b. Productivity of land

c. Health of the villagers

d. Productivity of milk animals

21. Socio Environmental Economic Study for formation of New Palghar District Government of Maharashtra, March- 2013.

22. Eco Environmental study, urban Impact pollution load estimation of Nag river in orange city Nagpur, Narpur Municipal Corporation January – 2013.

23. Socio- Impact analysis of the Pollution of Buddha Nalla for Pollution Control Board Punjab December – 2012.

24. Effect of Windmill on Rainfall in Satara District, in Khatav – Man Tehsil – December- 2008 for Government of Maharashtra.


Paper presentation in Conferences:

1. 15th World Lake Conference, held at Perugia, Italy September 2014

2. 2nd International Conference on Waste Water Technology for Greening India, on 29th June 2014.

3. International Conference on Environment Conservation by Adopting New Technologies January – 2014.

4. National Conference on Advances in Drug Design & Discovery January- 2014.

5. National Conference on Hazardous e-Waste Management December – 2013, Pune.

6. International Conference on Water Cooperation & Conservation for Inclusive Growth. December – 2013, Pune.

7. National Conference on Waste Management in Association with Kerala University. December – 2013

8. National Conference on Current Trends in Science & Technology November-2013, Pune.

9. National Conference on Frontiers in Physical, Chemical & Biological Sciences October 2013 Pune.

10. National Conference on e-Waste Sustainability & Management July- 2013, Pune.

11. International Conference on Waste Water Technology for Green Economy May 2013, Pune.

President's Message

All around us, the signs of environment damage are clearly visible. Yet, almost each Government is considering this damage as a temporary effect. This is causing terrible loss to the nation. To avoid the loss, we must have meticulous and permanent planning and regulation. We also need to consider an important point that the ways of a developed country and a developing country will always differ; facing the environment damage is not an exception. The nature, however, does not differentiate between developed and developing nations. 
On one hand, the developed nations do try to honour the nature to the maximum extent while the developing nations are using the poverty issue to their advantage to further exploit the nature. Poverty is often quoted as the important reason behind this. On the contrary, we will have to admit the bitter truth that we are left poor because we are ignoring the nature, treating it badly, exploiting it. The earlier we accept this truth, the better able we will be to face the natural calamities. We cannot just blame the changing nature and the changing environment. While man is changing drastically, we expect the nature to maintain its innocence. Isn’t this ridiculous? It is outrageous to accept the nature to keep on gifting us while all we are busy doing just one act, ‘exploitation of nature.’ When are we going to understand this simple truth? 
The recent calamities including torrential rain, flood, landslides, cloud-bursting are all examples of nature’s catharsis living us all in nothing but pain. If we fail to preserve and to protect or to take good care of the nature, environment and natural resource then the coming generations will be deprived of good future. The nature and environment are closely related to the national or universal economic growth. Financial affluence will be possible only when the nature is preserved well. Caring for the nature will enable us to eradicate poverty. Considering this, we need to plan extensively and concretely to safeguard nature and to maintain equilibrium. On this back ground we need to focus on environmental education, Cultural and Wellbeing related to sustainable development and support to compliance of Agenda 2030.
Dr. Mangesh Kashyap

Foreign Representation-

 Delivered presentation on Ecological Economics in 15th World Lake Conference held at Perugia Italy September – 2014.

 Participated in workshop on Ecological Economics – The Valley University – 2013.

 Delivered Lecture series at Sanjose State University US-2011 / 2009.

 Participated in Indo-Thailand Socio economic forum to representative India at Bangkok – 2008

 Participated in Indo – Soviet Socio economic forum as representative of India -2006 at Moscow.

Core Team

Dr. Mangesh Kashyap
Founder President, Environmental Economist
Prof. Milind Mirajkar
Subject Expert Chemical Industry, Health hazards
Dr. Yogesh Shah
Environmentalist, Subject Expert Bio Diversity
Er. Satchidanand Sewalkar
Expert – IOT for Sustainable Solutions
Er. Rutuja Nikam
Green Technology Expert

Advisory Board

Padmashree Arun Firodiya
Chairman- Kinetic Group of Industries
Prof. Dr. Sudhir Gavhane
Former VC- YCMOU & MGM-U, Chief Academic Advisor ( Imperial English UK ), Higher Education Consultant, Chief Academic Advisor- Kunniya International University. Kerala.
Dr. S P Gautam
Ex-Chairman CPCB, Former V C Jabalpur University, M P
Dr. Sudhanshu Gore
Academician & Social Thinker

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Pune, India

+91 9637921611
